本來,美和醜是無一個統一的標準,所謂甲之熊掌、乙之砒霜,每個人的口味應該都是不一樣的。但不幸地,不知是咱們香港男人特別膚淺,還是中了「o靚模的身材才是標準」的毒太深;「瘦才是美」這個觀念,完全是植根在香港男人的腦袋裡面,是之為另類的 inception。
這個女模特兒叫做 Lizzie Miller,剛於本月初踏天橋,擔任「紐約時裝週」歷來首個「XL 加大碼」的模特兒。身高 5 呎 11 吋,體重 175磅,三圍38、32、42,她最近非常的紅。事源於一年前美國《Glamour》雜誌 9 月號,刊登其一幅......「肉感」畢現的裸照,即上圖。照片一刊出,立即引起彼邦姊妹們的同聲讚好:「終於有真實身材的女模特兒了!」
......可惜讚好的真的只有姊妹們,我把 Lizzie Miller 的照片放在微博,女同胞們的反應都是稱讚她的笑容很亮麗、看起來很健康等的正面反應;但男同胞們呢,一面倒,只看到她的「士啤呔」,還要附加幾句如「鬆垮垮的肚皮是生過孩子麼?」之類的負面評價。
Lizzie Miller 說:「人們把穿大碼衫等同超重、不健康,是一種最大的誤解。我本人就極健康。我一周運動3至5次,飲食健康。」其實她說的很對,我不下一次在微博看過有其他的女童鞋,以比拼穿得下細碼衫為樂,暗自為了穿上加細碼而高興一番。雖然說穿了,穿得下,也不代表妳就是美呀?但女人與女人之間的較勁,可能比男人的還要來得更膚淺,數字就是一切。
另一以肥做 selling point (?) 的女模 Beth Ditto,則是走了個極端。我常常覺得,除非你敢胖到一個極地去,就是說胖到一個可以豁出去、完全無顧慮身型的地步,譬如像 Beth Ditto,那麼,還算是幸福的,可以擁有掛自家牌頭「Beth Ditto x Evans」的加大碼華衣,做個胖胖的 Fashion icon。
P.S 期待你展示瘦身的成果~~嘿嘿
第一幅圖才是反映時下大多數女士的身型, 有什麼出奇呢?! 那些男人真敷淺, 健康快樂己足夠.不需要每餐都沒有飽飯吃. 不需要每天上磅監控體重, 不需要為了吃得多而有罪疚感, 其實減肥帶來的不開心多過瘦身後既快樂成果.
所以beth beth 選擇去愛女人了 lol
不過我認識的男性中,喜歡有點肉的佔多數。還很賤地說紙片人/電燈柱不好"x"。嗯...喜歡肥的瘦的都是口很賤就對了 囧
ECHO > 當然每個人都可以有不同的看法、不同的選擇啦~
不過作為一枚快將 30 歲的中女,眼見身邊很多因為太「堅持自我」的女生,因為一個人過活而得「為自己的未來鋪路」......嗯,這可不是我想要的生活方式啊~
性格上適度的堅持我覺得是應該的,但如果稍微改變一下外表將來的路可能會不一樣的時候,我覺得這是可以 give it a try 的。畢竟理解外表不過是個臭皮囊的,都是女人,不是男人呀。
虽然男同胞們对她的「士啤呔」说三道四, 但我觉得可能这是一名MODEL, 跟想象中MODEL应有身型不同才会讲. 到真是自己女朋友或者老婆, 又未必会有甘高要求, 所以女仔都系努力充实内涵算啦, 反正几靓几索都好, 最多系摆得20年左右.
其實追求美貌與內涵,以為中間一定有衝突,根本就係一個myth,我覺得兩者某程度上,係雙輔雙成,如果美貌代表保養、健康、笑容、開心;外表keep得decent,倒過來讓一個人有更多發揮機會/更大exposure,無形中增長見識及內涵... 所以唔係非黑即白囉。當然,時間係得咁多,每個人得24小時,扣除食飯、睡覺、讀報,空餘時間,手指數得出,仲要在追求美貌/內涵之間追得平衡? 嘩,談何容易。我覺得美貌+內涵呢個combo,某程度上好似搵幾多錢,是天生/整定的,因見太多又靚又叻的人,及又yor又鈍的人,人在呢個情況下,只係盡力而為。同埋,提升內涵,同搵對象,有時又未必有因果關係囉..
Selina 的意見我是認同的,大家都很奇怪,好像認定我對外表堅持,女人的內涵就視之如無物,但我從來都沒有這樣說過哦。
我整篇東西的意思就是很簡單,女人不能夠放棄對自身外表的追求。除非,妳可以像 Beth 一樣,去到一個 extreme 一點的位置;
舉多一個例子,譬如欣宜,以前 200 磅的欣宜,跟減到 140 磅還是給人喊肥妹的欣宜,和現在 120 磅有腰的欣宜。
當中的差別就是,你去到極地的 200 磅時候,你自己和身邊的人都不會對你有甚麼外表的要求。
而作為 140 磅的欣宜 (亦即大多數的我們),身邊人就會開始對你有要求和壓力,沒有人看見減掉 60 磅當中的努力,但也不是說這時的你就放棄內在的充實,欣宜也沒有放棄唱好她的歌。
所以已經減了 60 磅的欣宜,還是得再努力,減多 20 磅可以穿泳衣上封面,才可換來別人的讚頌和欣賞說一句,「真係瘦喎佢!」。
又,好老實,我覺得身邊的美女都係性格平和既,又唔覺她們好冇內涵..所以有感而發.. 如老人家所講,食幾多著幾多,整定既...冇得羨慕既,好多野..
"眼見身邊很多因為太「堅持自我」的女生,因為一個人過活而得「為自己的未來鋪路」......嗯,這可不是我想要的生活方式啊~ "....悲悲悲。不過結婚生仔,可能又係另一個樊籠。
ps. 欣宜現在很好睇啊,真心替她開心。
如果身處的市場沒有自己想要的異性,那就需要思考自己是否需要re-located yourself.
女性應該知道自己是有權利在愛情關係中做主動,這裡的主動不是指投懷送抱,而是land yourself into the market you want.
ECHO > o拿o拿o拿,你不要再次曲解我想表達的意思。
re 唔 relocate 是另一個問題了,正如香港教育制度不濟,很多人都會送子女去外國升學,但無機會出國的,又是否等於那些小朋友從此就要放棄學業呢?又或者在香港讀書是否就一定無好選擇呢?OKOK,或者扯遠了,但世界不是非黑即白的呀。
事實上我的男性朋友大部份都見過我沒有化妝的樣子,他們依舊和我做朋友。 <--係囉,朋友嘛,朋友不是拖友嘛。che~~~邊個話想要朋友jet?
I did't say anything about *從來無講過女人的內涵就不重要,it's what you believe,not what I believe,you can re-read my message. you just think you need to believe that 女人的內涵重要.but you are not actually believing ,or not that strong.
邊個話想要朋友jet?--> so you think a mature man will start a love relationship by skipping being friend first ? if you cannot be their friends, how can you become their girlfriend later ?Those who start a *Love* relationship (immediately, without think twin before action),Do you think they are the man you are looking for ?
I think you need to figure out what do you want in your life and your CURRENT position.Clearly , you want a long term relationship, but you are not patient enough to build a relationship. You actually don't know what you need to do if a serious and long term relationship is what you want. Mentally,you dream to have soulmate, physically, you are sending a message to guys I want a date.
A date will never turn into a relationship since you are wrong in the first step.
wish this message may make my point clear.
我曾經同自己講要好似Beth Ditto/ 中小學時代的欣宜咁樣, 肥得來有自信咁至夠型. 最後都因為心儀的人說我一句肥, 減了一些. 女人, 女人...
遇到個心儀既男人, 我又唔信女人會繼續堅持原則, 少少討好男人既野都唔做.
ECHO > "you just think you need to believe that 女人的內涵重要.but you are not actually believing ,or not that strong."
至於我想要甚麼,把自己如何定位,又或者我希望有一些怎麼樣的男朋友,這些沒有任何人比我更清楚。妳覺得妳可以從 400 字之中看到我真實感情世界端倪?抱歉,那麼妳也把事情想得太過簡單了。
(續) 不若我們回到最基本。
在一個燈紅酒綠的地方......Oh sorry,看來妳又會說這些男人不是妳想要的吧?那麼我們在一個圖書館裡面,陽光明媚的週六午後。(噢,好亦舒哦~~) 一個風度翩翩的成熟男人,一邊翻著他最愛的詩集,一邊微微打量一下四周的異性,雙眼透射著性感的光芒。
一位是在洋行上班但「暗瓦底」熱愛詩辭文學的女秘書小姐,最喜歡的偶像是董橋不是陳偉霆啊~ 5ft6,100 磅不到的高佻身材,臉蛋小小,一雙長腿,驟眼看還有兩分似林志玲。
另一位是剛畢業,因為熱愛文學而在中學教文學的初執業老師。眼鏡之下還看到她帶著清澀的表情,臉蛋紅紅,表情也很可愛。同樣是 5ft6 吋高的她,正在苦思今晚抱回家的是哪位詩人的書。老師的臉長的很可愛,還辛勤地正在攻讀她的碩士學位,又會煮飯,能歌善舞,唯一問題就是身材有 200 磅。
好了,你猜男人會選誰來 pick up 呢?
其實我也不知道啊,但你可以去問問身邊的朋友們,特別是那些看過你素顏還是待你為好友的朋友們,也許目光如豹的他們,能夠一眼便看穿 200 磅裡面那許多許多的內在美吧!
you are really sensitive, I think we may need to take a break.
Clearly we target on different market,that's good ,I am not your competitor since I speak business language and you are good in writing.
I can make my own decision without asking friend's opinions, and you assume too much. For the record, I am 163 cm ,50 kg just turn 26 young woman with good body shape,cause I exercise every other day.Beside,I know more what you mentioned in the paragraph.
can i be honest?
if lizzie miller was my friend, i will honestly ask her to lose "those fat" on her belly.
i dont mind she has "same volume of muscle" but not those 鬆垮垮的肚皮. it is not healthy either!!!
p.s. i am a 34 years old lday and i believe "having a good shape is very important to attract guys". don't deny reality and shift your focus to those "inner beauty" bull shit. smart women will have both - be fit + be smart.
keep work out and get a good shape. u will be happy, your boyfriend / hubby will be happy too. why not?
pleas post my comment.
if you dare to assume I am 200 pounds, then please post my last comments,let people know I am a 26 young women with average size,50 kg ,163 cm and good shape cause I exercise every other day.Be fair to me and Be honest to yourself.
You are pretty, but you still need to learn more if you want to have a serious relationship,and I just want to help you .
We are not just talking about being slim or fat. Personally, I am more concern about being healthy. Always remember you cannot employ the standards of the fashion and beauty industry as your own.
ECHO > 既然你那麼想我 post 妳的留言幫妳賣賣個人「(我覺得)我的身材很好」的廣告,好的,無所謂,我最喜歡予人方便的了。(但 to be honest,妳身材好不好干我啥事?干這個 post 又啥事?)
但妳要知道,我最初不貼妳的留言是因為妳說要「take a break」,而不是我不敢 (我又為什麼不敢???),不要接二連三的老屈我。
作為現代女性,除了要有內在美和外在美,還有很多東西要學要懂,其中一項叫做 the-art-of-shut-your-mouth-up,妳明白嗎?男人愛美女,但煩氣的美女是例外的。
p.s. 阿「小妹妹」,其實 26 歲也不是真的很 young 了,總有更多比妳更年青更出色的女人存在啊。
好像忘記了,PATRICIA 一直說的,是那一瞬間的目光吸引,話都未講過一句的那種。而不是細水流長交往之後的選擇。在這個SEX APPEAL的反應階段,談內涵之重要其實是離題了。
I don't think 26 is old, and I did mention I have an average SIZE but good shape, that is FACT, why should I feel shame of WHO I AM?
My body shape has nothing to do with you ,it just a response to your story,looks like someone assume I am overweight.
I know new GIRLS will alway fill the market, but I am a young(currently) WOMAN with mature mindset ,average size but good body shape,this is the difference.
Growing up inevitable, but growing up is optional.If you let your physical limitation control your mindset, then no one can help you.
男人愛美女,但煩氣的美女是例外的。--> I am looking for a mature PERSON, a man who can think from both angles, like I can think from both perspective. It's about the mentality, NO just physical attraction only.
one typos ,Should be 'Growing old in inevitable, but growing up is optional'.
It's true we will grow old, then just face it and grow up mentally.
You seems bother yourself by social norms,it's very hard to face it ,I knew that as I was a HK girl before.
But you need to learn how to take care of yourself first, not just physical appearance ,but your heart.
It's a long long road to transfer myself from girl to woman ,但是如果'自己都不愛怎麼相愛怎麼可給愛人好處。'
Good Luck and take care.
echo 小姐,
你講自己幾多磅呀、幾高呀,有幾多條仔見過你唔化妝呀,亦都唔該返去自己個blog 慢慢寫到飽,呢度冇人想睇。雖然我都明白,你個blog 冇素顏小姐個blog咁多人睇,呢度自我宣傳係effective好多既。素顏你唔收佢廣告費真大方!
haha, 呢篇文同食翅果篇有得fight :D
套用妳的一句: 神經病的人實在太多了)))))
Echo小姐一開始已然叫人睇佢寫果篇BLOG啦! 係咪想証明自己有內涵呢?
echo小姐,don't judge a book by its cover呀,每個人都有自己的故事,你這些 "help" 不是人人想要的。
Just for the record, I dont agree what Pat has said 100% in the blog post, so i'm not a die hard fan just defending her blindly.
It does seem that you're the one losing control here and not Ms Pat.
BTW....you were a HK girl before?? what are you now? caucasian? I always find it funny that people would deny their origin and differentiate themselves cuz they think they're so much better.
on top of that, i really don't see Pat trying to say that you're the 200lb ones in her example.
素顏從來冇講過內在美唔重要, 都唔知你仲o係到拗乜。
再者, 提升外在美o係某程度上都會提升埋內在美, 好似自信咁, 咁又何樂而不為?
一位是在洋行上班但「暗瓦底」熱愛詩辭文學的女秘書小姐,最喜歡的偶像是董橋不是陳偉霆啊~ 5ft6,100 磅不到的高佻身材,臉蛋小小,一雙長腿,驟眼看還有兩分似林志玲。
另一位是剛畢業,因為熱愛文學而在中學教文學的初執業老師。眼鏡之下還看到她帶著清澀的表情,臉蛋紅紅,表情也很可愛。同樣是 5ft6 吋高的她,正在苦思今晚抱回家的是哪位詩人的書。老師的臉長的很可愛,還辛勤地正在攻讀她的碩士學位,又會煮飯,能歌善舞,唯一問題就是身材有 200 磅。
好了,你猜男人會選誰來 pick up 呢?
Can I ask who is the女秘書 ? just because I am 26 ,doesn't mean I don't understand the metaphor, or maybe all of you don't understand.I think she is right, '女人與女人之間的較勁,可能比男人的還要來得更膚淺。'
I am still a HK citizen ,but as a woman ,not a girl.I am so comfortable and happy with my life, my size & weight .She is the one who seems so upset with her size and appearance, even I and everyone think she is pretty. She is the one seems unhappy with her life.
Everyone are absolutely right, why should I help her ? Just because I think she deserve a happy life doesn't seems to be a strong reason.
Asti, you know something is so fun, I remember when I was a kid ,if I say something that I don't even believe in myself , I usually said "JUST for the record' it's slightly different from 'FOR the record 'I don't need the popularity, cause I am happy with who I am ,I don't need other's "Support" to prove I have a happy life,cause I am surrounding by Love.
素顏,This is your life, if you think you are unhappy now, then you need to found someway to the happiness.If you don't want to try and still seems so upset with your shape,Who else you think may get help from ?
You can choose either enjoy your audience's clap,or start think about 'what do you want in your life ?'It's never too late to start a new life .But if you give up in the very beginning stage ,who else you can Blame for ?
The social Norms ? Yes, it's right, People in Asia 'value' appearance, everybody don't like this norm but they follow it,but I am not.
I didn't judge you from the cover, I have been reading your blog for almost 3 years, which means I know a little about your life.
I will off this topic cause I am 辛勤地正在攻讀她的碩士學位.Good luck and take care.
一位是在洋行上班但「暗瓦底」熱愛詩辭文學的女秘書小姐,最喜歡的偶像是董橋不是陳偉霆啊~ 5ft6,100 磅不到的高佻身材,臉蛋小小,一雙長腿,驟眼看還有兩分似林志玲。
另一位是剛畢業,因為熱愛文學而在中學教文學的初執業老師。眼鏡之下還看到她帶著清澀的表情,臉蛋紅紅,表情也很可愛。同樣是 5ft6 吋高的她,正在苦思今晚抱回家的是哪位詩人的書。老師的臉長的很可愛,還辛勤地正在攻讀她的碩士學位,又會煮飯,能歌善舞,唯一問題就是身材有 200 磅。
好了,你猜男人會選誰來 pick up 呢?
Can I ask who is the女秘書 ? just because I am 26 ,doesn't mean I don't understand the metaphor, or maybe all of you don't understand.I think she is right, '女人與女人之間的較勁,可能比男人的還要來得更膚淺。'
I am still a HK citizen ,but as a woman ,not a girl.I am so comfortable and happy with my life, my size & weight .She is the one who seems so upset with her size and appearance, even I and everyone think she is pretty. She is the one seems unhappy with her life.
Everyone are absolutely right, why should I help her ? Just because I think she deserve a happy life doesn't seems to be a strong reason.
Asti, you know something is so fun, I remember when I was a kid ,if I say something that I don't even believe in myself , I usually said "JUST for the record' it's slightly different from 'FOR the record 'I don't need the popularity, cause I am happy with who I am ,I don't need other's "Support" to prove I have a happy life,cause I am surrounding by Love.
素顏,This is your life, if you think you are unhappy now, then you need to found someway to the happiness.If you don't want to try and still seems so upset with your shape,Who else you think may get help from ?
You can choose either enjoy your audience's clap,or start think about 'what do I want in MY life ?'It's never too late to start a new life .But if you give up in the very beginning stage ,who else you can Blame for ?
The social Norms ? Yes, that's true, People in Asia 'value' appearance, everybody don't like this norm but they follow it,but I am not.
I didn't judge you from the cover, I have been reading your blog for almost 3 years, which means I know a little about your life.
I will off this topic cause I am '辛勤地正在攻讀她的碩士學位.'Good luck and take care.
echo, 認真的說,就算你睇左呢個blog幾耐都好,都唔代表你會因為"睇blog"而了解一個人。寫blog係選擇性的,而且每個人都有好多面。教人如何做人,倒不如專注自己的事吧。成熟點吧!
Wanna play the grammar game?? You picked the wrong person. Not to mention that only when someone's so desperate and has no grounds for defense would pick on another writer's linguistic habit (and compare that to their own, error prone writing style).
I'm sorry I can't keep up if this is what you're going for. Since #1, you have way too many grammatical mistakes in all your posts, which btw makes me wonder how you got your bachelor degree to begin with; and #2, this is not my blog.
Take it easy Echo, people don't have to agree with you and you don't them. Isn't that normal in your academic/intellectual environment?
Pat/Su Yian,
My chinese is not at all good but have been reading your blog for a while now. Will now dive back into one of your million silence reader to give you a peace of mind. Take care!
Echo 小姐
意見像 ASXXXXX ,每個人都有。但當一個人用自己的意見,還要是扭曲的意見去"教化"別人時。那個人,其思想延伸太廣,想到了一些文中並不存在的東西。
其實我都想問問你,本來在這誰都不知道你的身材如何。但你看過PAT的模擬劇場之後你就要把你身材年齡示眾。還要特意叫PAT 快快POST出來。雖然PAT的例子非常的顯然不是在暗示你是200磅。
講番亞BETH,其實我媽媽都鐘意聽佢隊GOSSIP,話搵番佢做女既回憶喎 LOL
Asti ,
Let me guess, you may study language program in the university ?So that's why you are so confidence to say ’You picked the wrong person.’I know I have the problem with grammar,it's because I am a hearing loss person with learning disability. I guess maybe I work harder than average students in the university,so in the end I managed to earn my degree.But thanks for your reminder, I will definitely work harder.
I am sorry, Asti, Game is for kids, I don't play it anymore.
echo, i also don't agree with su yan that much, but i won't list my points and convince her to take my believes... we are old enough to know that everyone has different background and experiences, which shape different believes and attitudes. i just don't feel good coz i don't see your respect to the blog owner. the point is not who's right or wrong (it doesn't really matter, everyone has different opinion and we all got the freedom to express what we like to say, moreover there is even no right or wrong!!)... the challenge you mention may somehow affect your attitude towards people, things and life, however, this doesn't gives you the exemption not to respect people, and, respect is mutual. ana
I thought you had decided to take a break and left the topic for good but then now you are back, defending yourself yet once again. If you are indeed a mature person, why bother broadcasting your very own private information to win either envy or sympathy?
A sensible discussion can be readily turned into a rather pragmatic 'game', as we witness here.
I hope in real life you are surrounded by love (as you mentioned) and ready for the challenges ahead.
Regards to all of you,
It seems there is a big misunderstanding here, from what I read so far, it seems Echo and Ms Pat are talking about 2 totally different topics. When she mentioned the 2 girls in the library, I didn't believe she was talking about Echo. She was simply making an example, because in reality the man will go for the skinny one. Seriously lighten up, everyone has different opinions. Maybe Echo is better at English then Chinese, and misunderstood what Ms Pat said?