

感謝讀友 D 小姐的幫忙,替我聯絡上麥當勞的相關部門 (企業傳訊部),收到他們傳我的一個電郵,雖然很明顯個 tone 極「無誠意」似十足 copy and paste 的 template email,但最少都叫「有聯絡」我。因直至現在貼文的這一刻為止,該位麥麥送熱線的客戶服務經理 Shopin Wong 先生都完全沒有跟我再聯絡,而我當時亦沒有留下任何電郵,是 D 小姐幫的忙才那麼快有人回應。

(p.s. 我事前沒有跟這個部門聯絡過,不知何故電郵開首就是「多謝 閣下向我們表達2011年1月29日有關「麥麥送」服務的查詢。」??想反客為主???)

yuenwing 說...

真的是一封 "最少都叫有聯絡" 的email 喎...=.=..

Miss Vintage 說...

McDonald spends so much money on image building each year, how can it tolerate such a clumsy Corp Comm?? That email is so impersonal and only BS lor!!

陳大詩 說...

嘩 真係冇heart到呢...
知唔知邊一間m記送出黎? 有冇打算直接落去搵經理問?

素顏天使 說...

陳大詩 > 知,但我唔敢。一落去咪比人點相囉!!以後我食的漢堡包比人加料點算?!

Blogger70th Floor 說...

you should report to the police.

no kidding. if the man was a fake, his intention was suspicious and you are at risk. if the man wasn't a fake, he knew that you are complaining about him now and there might be consequences. Again, you are at risk.

Report to the police. Request them to check out the truth with MacDonald for you. Ask them for increased attention at your building.

You are a citizen of HKSAR. You are obligated to seek assistance from the authority when you need it.

素顏天使 說...

七十 > 定係我等麥當勞覆左我先呀?

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