最近有客人找我做 freelance,是 design 一 set quotation form / invoice / name card / label / website ......etc.
客人是一家在深圳的外資小型貿易公司,跟我 contact 的我是一個40多50歲的 ABC 阿叔,據他所說找了好多香港和國內的 designer 都不大會英語,然後找過美國一些 designer 就跟他索取 "unreasonable" 的價錢,後來他找到我,就替他做了好幾份的工作。
雖然這客人十分之麻X煩,比方說11am-3am會不斷打電話來,一晚 back and forth 的不停改這改那達5-6遍,有時候明明說好有事在身不能工作的一天,都照 send email 來要你改這改那。還有要命的是他很喜歡以電話來改 design,那些 long distance call 才貴死人(電話費誰來付?)!!!
本著蝕頭賺尾的放長線心態,最初他的無理要求我也有答應,比方說明明說好不做 logo design (因為他不肯另外付錢),都替他做了好幾個簡單的,還畫了甚麼中國式的兩條魚 (客人要求類似上海灘的東西),做了幾轉的 job,那兩條魚都沒有問題。
事情是這樣的,有一單工作接近完工 (99%,尚欠客人一方的spelling check),突然要求重畫這兩條魚,理由是因為這個阿叔的同事有一點意見。
(節錄自 email) “Only two fish, but their imagery is critical. Convey communication, mutual trust, intelligence,planning, and agreement (as in their body language or complementary body curvature)”
這是甚麼 on9 的 guide line??? 而且早說好了 logo design 不會再另外做,所以我就發了一個電郵給他說再 design 一個 logo 是要另外收費的!!
“I agree. But you'll also have to agree that creating something beautiful and not finishing it to perfection compromises the work and the intent the work was made for. We are very close to a perfect and very effective design. I'm quite aware of "designer" prices which in most cases is over-inflated. I've collaborated closely with you on every project and have let you know exactly what I've wanted. Most clients don't do this because they don't know what they want. This causes the designer to guess what the client wants and is an even more timeconsuming and arduous process. Hence, other designers hefty prices.
I have tried to make the designing process very easy for you. We've come this far, it doesn't make sense to leave this already well designed card without a meaningful and complete design. I only want you to create two chinese carp fish (a symbol of harmony and prosperty). I've provided you a very clear idea of what is needed and made it clear about compensating you extra for this. Just two little fishies. Two. This is not asking much.
You can call it a "logo", I call it two fish. Please help me with this last stage and let me know how much extra. Thanks, Patricia.”
所以我剛才跟他發了一個這樣的 email:(不要challenge我的爛英語啦~)
“Hi XXX,
1) I DO agree that creating something beautiful to fit your company image. BUT, I don't think the fish problem is just happen and you just find out by your "clear" guide line.
2) talking about "clear" guide line you gave me, I doubt is that really clear so that made me working a simple quotation form / either invoice form like a 10 times changes, and most likely these changes aren't my faults.
3) I had worked for many companies for logo design, and you can ask them for the ref. see how much I charge on them and how they satisfied by my works and my working attitude and my professional.
4) from your words, I can tell you are quite pissing off by designers, well, sorry to make you dissappointing again, I'm pissed off by you also, and I'm not gonna work for you anymore.
5) about the money, as you also said I have DONE this far for the namecards, I think I worth that $XXX deposit.
各位同行,如有類似人士跟你接觸,請立即 cut 線!否則麻煩纏身閤下自理。
8/5 12noon,追加,阿叔早上又再發了兩個 email 給我,say sorry!
(不過明顯只因為個 job 十分趕)