之前寫的西班牙 AINHOA LUXURY DIAMOND 奢華美鑽系列的 Pleasure Facial Cream 美鑽全效緊膚霜 ,確實好用。不過價錢也實在比較貴,雖然跟最頂級的貴價面霜來比較的話,它的價錢還只是五分一左右。
不過正如我之前所說的,有貴就當然有便宜,選擇。如果以同類型標榜有全面護膚功效的平價面霜來說,我仍然是衷心推薦的這個 OLAY Regenerist Micro-sculpting Super Cream 新生高效緊緻護膚霜。根據實驗結果顯示,這個 OLAY Regenerist 系列,使用後的最佳效果,是能夠令30至35歲的肌膚年齡逆轉至26至30歲!哇我還差一點才三十,那算一算,我用了之後不就變回 23 歲了啊?!
剛抵香港時就已經寫過 (相關舊文) 這瓶被美國權威女性雜誌《Good Housekeeping》實證「功效比價值350美元的護膚面霜更好」的面霜,我尤其記得那陣子睡眠不足 + 剛剛失戀,可是用了這瓶 super cream 之後,友人都說怎麼我看起來精神煥發的樣子,完全不像是長期沒有睡好。
新版本的這個 super cream 最明顯的當然是香味比以前是減淡了,加上零油份的質感深得我心,以水包油,基本上早晚四季也都可以用,不過我個人來說就最愛在冬天用這個 super cream。成份方面,全新配方效力更強,主要成分有高濃度的 Amino-peptide Complex (氨基酸肽複合物),可保持肌膚水潤,形成天然的保水屏障,也可以促進膠原蛋白的增生;Hyaluronic Acid (透明質酸)可以保濕的這我不用多費唇舌了;Marine Proteins (珍貴海洋蛋白) 被科研人員譽為與黃金一樣珍貴,可幫助肌膚保持彈性。
售價約 HKD$234,各萬寧,屈臣氏,莎莎,卓悅及各超市等均有代售。
代言人仍然是我心目中最有氣質的女星瑪姬張。好友因工作關係,早前有幸得近距離和張小姐接觸,據報張小姐細看仍是狀態甚佳,看上去比她的真實年齡少最小十年 (據維基資料,「六十後」的張曼玉小姐現年 45 歲)。不過我想,除了勤力護膚後天保養,永遠看似是不慍不火的心境狀態,還有被愛的幸福力量,才是令女人容顏不老的秘密吧。
Home Parallel Universe Parallel Universe 002:OLAY Regenerist Super Cream
"比她的真實年齡少最小十年", you forgot about cosmetic surgery, botox, and collagen injection.
真心介紹你看的,跟此po無關所以delete這個留言也ok la
hv a good laugh for the day.
Susanna > 聽故唔好駁故 XD
tanesuke > 「肌研」我有用過呀, 你可以睇下呢篇我寫o既用後文~ :)
Princess Babylon > aiya I love Gaga so much la, this MV is awesome~
Olay Customer service in UK is rubbish as I couldn't find the Regenerist Micro-sculpting cream on their UK website but only the Olay Regenerist 3-Point Treatment Cream, hence I emailed them and asked if these products were the same but just with different name (as their packages are more or less identical). Later on I found out from a beauty forum that these are indeed the same before Olay PR replied me. When they replied me, they were saying they only had knowledge of the UK products but not US so they didn't know! I was indeed very surprised as I thought they should be able to answer such a simple question! Oh well, maybe I expected too much...
Love your blog by the way~~ x