Amy Winehouse, 1983-2011
有幾張 CD 長據我的百聽不厭 playlist,久不久就會拿來聽一下,Amy Winehouse 的《Back to Black》是其中一份子。晚上回家在微博看到 Amy Winehouse 被發現死亡的消息,良久不能言語。雖然大家都知道她有濫藥又有酗酒的習慣,但得知她離開了,還是會傷心;正如邁克先生在微博所言:「It's so predictable, yet so unbelievable.....」 前不久我還在想,怎麼還不發新碟呢?什麼時候才不再沉溺於酒精和藥物當中呢?想不到這樣的事最終還是發生了。
那是沒有人可以取代的聲音,Rest in peace, the most talented Amy.
從身邊的人聽到這個消息, 第一個反應也是 "somehow u know it will happen someday..." 再聽不到她的新歌也是可惜的.
I didn't realize it until I read your blog this morning! Have been quite self-absorbed lately. Gee... RIP Amy!
真係如你所提到 predictable. 佢雖然唔係好多作品, 但影響力好大。我睇左佢咁多負面消息, 衰d咁諗, 佢離世未嘗唔係一種解脫!
This is a really, really sad news, alongside with the train accident that happened today. Tragedies are often like these - like an inevitable abyss that is right in front of us.
我也很愛她﹐她常給狗仔跟蹤又俾佢地玩﹐但佢都好nice﹐心地好好﹐仲會企係屋企門口同狗仔對傾計。有次有個娛記跟到佢Amy去麥記﹐問Amy可唔可以請佢食個double cheese burger﹐佢真係買左俾佢﹗天才永遠都寂寞。