《Cashmere Mafia》

新劇《Cashmere Mafia》由華裔女星 Lucy Liu (劉玉玲) 擔正大旗做女主角飾演 Mia,賣點,固然是《Sex and the City》監製 Darren Star 加上 Patricia Field 的服裝指導啦。(但我後來翻查 imdb 內的資料,PF 只是擔任其中兩集的服指,主要還是另一位服裝設計師 Wendy Stefanelli 的工作。)

看了兩集,暫時都 OK,但 overall 跟我之前寫過的《Lipstick Jungle》(相關舊文) 實在達 99% 相似,無論是角色和劇情都差不多。都是講四個事業有成的女人,已婚的丈夫有第三者,照顧小孩如何心力交碎,職場上如何跟愛情取得平衡,等等。不過我的投入感則不及《SATC》的強,始終幾個女人的年紀都三十到尾,加上不是已婚十五年就是甚麼投資銀行的高層,出版商,化妝品公司的高層 blah blah,太有距離感了。而且幾位女角不夠漂亮都算啦,可能拍劇前的預備工作都做得不好 (e.g. 打 Botox) 還是燈光有問題,大近鏡滿臉皺紋,看起來皮膚都很粗糙。

劇中除了 Lucy Liu 較為人熟悉之外,另一女角 Miranda Otto 曾於另一部《The Starter Wife》(相關舊文) 裡面飾演過相類似的角色。至於我最關心的服裝問題,礙於角色本身設定所限,幾位女角的服裝都一點兒不好玩,除了 Lucy Liu 有兩三套較為有趣一點之外,其他的.....嗯......我希望只是因為 Patricia Field 未 warm up 啦,不過明顯地 budget 比《Lipstick Jungle》多很多。

總括來說只屬可以一看,imdb 有評論寫《Cashmere Mafia》只是 A 貨老翻《Sex and the City》,雖然有點 harsh,但我都頗為認同。

相關連結 ──《Cashmere Mafia》e-Magazine
小坤 說...

班Scriptwriter 唔係罷緊工咩?

char char 說...

Miranda Otto 話晒都做過 The Lord of the Rings 架...

宇宙人 說...

Lucy Liu o係鬼佬眼中 sexy icon 黎 ga~~

不過做親都係情婦多, 記憶中佢係 desperate house wife 都係做情婦

辦公室貓頭鷹 The Office Owl 說...

I saw the first episode of Cashmere Mafia and thought that its dialogues are, unfortunately, a lot less brilliant than SATC's. Personally, I have higher hopes for Lipstick Jungle as it's produced by Candace Bushnell, who wrote the books on which SATC and Lipstick Jungle are based. I will watch more episodes of CM when I have time... my laziness in following the show says something its attractiveness, I guess (I NEVER missed an episode of SATC). Lipstick Jungle will premiere here in the US in two weeks... let see if it will be worth our time. :)

天时Vivienne 說...

I watched several episodes and hold the same feeling as chloes. The four ladies are at the apex of the pyramid. However there's a clear distance between them and the audience. The border is so distinct that you could hardly be moved by the drama. In SATC, things seem to be more touching. We all found some part of ourselves in Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda, didn't we?

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