其實我個人來說比較喜歡 Jennifer Aniston 和 Ben Affleck 那段長期同居關係情侶啦 (又是自我投射),另外 Scarlett Johansson 和 Bradley Cooper 的這一對則最養眼。哇,Scarlett Johansson 索到咁樣又真係好難忍;Bradley Cooper 更是過份地有型啦!!!
身旁位男士都說好看,還以為這種 chick flick 他會不喜歡啦。唯一就是少嫌有點片長太長,可以 cut short 半小時緊湊一點會更好。這種人多多的集體愛情片是超級安全的賣座方程式,因為你我他和她總可在電影裡找到自己一點點的影子。
《He's just not that into you》Official Trailer
10 Chick Flick cliches you will NOT see in 《He's just not that into you》
this one is SUPER funny! MUST see!!!
申延連結 -- 《He's just not that into you》@ IMDb page
cool, would love to see it with my wife... btw, this is actually the coolest thing about me (sadly), I am imdb-able! http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1638572/
sahdcooks > oh wow!!!! so u worked for the 《X-MEN》 crew before? geez that is super cool!!! I love 《X-Men》!!!!