Katy Perry《Ur so Gay》

得,我知我又「WOW 左」。但實在好喜歡這個 MV (請堅持看到最後), 亞美利堅女歌手 Katy Perry 的《Ur so Gay》。

說點跟這 MV 和歌手無關的自身小故事。

我認識的男人當中,也有過這種表面證供好 gay,實在又不知是否真 gay 的(所謂)「metrosexual」型男。最經典的,要數到數年前的一件事。話說我在一個好「直」的場合,認識了一位好靚仔的律師。MSN 間 flirt 來 flirt 往,某天晚上,二人相約在蘭桂坊喝酒去。踫巧我的閨中好友 J 先生和他當時的男友都在 PP,就四人遊去。

OK,疑點之一,直男怎會不抗拒去「攣」場? 疑點之二,自命「gay magnet」的我進去打招呼的次數都不及這位哥仔的多 (據他解釋說都是讀書時代的師兄弟)。疑點之三,靚仔律師一身非常 well fit 的品味打扮,加上明顯地有操練過的結實小臀,too good to be straight。J 的男友就打賭此子必是同道中人。

神奇的是,PP 一夜後此人就失蹤了數星期,尤如人間蒸發。忽地一晚,又找我出來喝酒去。橫恕有空,也不妨一見。

再見之時,明顯已是先行酒過三巡,喝不到幾杯就已滿臉通紅醉的很。我一個女子,如何處理這昂藏六呎的酒醉大男人? 招輛的士,一併上車,還好這人還懂說出自己的地址。中環半山某大宅前停下,車門打開之際,他在我耳邊說了一句: 「其實今天是我生日。」就揚長而去。

而以後,我就再沒見過他了。到底是 gay 不是 gay? 至今仍然是一個謎。

Katy Perry《Ur so Gay》

[Verse 1]
I hope you hang yourself with your H&M scarf
While jacking off listening to Mozart <--"jacking off?" hee hee hee
You bitch and moan about LA
Wishing you were in the rain reading Hemingway
You don't eat meat
And drive electrical cars
You're so indie rock it's almost an art
You need SPF 45 just to stay alive

You're so gay and you don't even like boys
No you don't even like
No you don't even like
No you don't even like boys
You're so gay and you don't even like boys
No you don't even like
No you don't even like
No you don't even like...

[Verse 2]
You're so sad maybe you should buy a happy meal
You're so skinny you should really Super Size the deal
Secretly you're so amused
That nobody understands you
I'm so mean cause I cannot get you outta your head
I'm so angry cause you'd rather MySpace instead
I can't believe I fell in love with someone that wears more makeup than...

You're so gay and you don't even like boys
No you don't even like
No you don't even like
No you don't even like boys
You're so gay and you don't even like boys
No you don't even like
No you don't even like
No you don't even like...

You walk around like you're oh so debonair
You pull 'em down and there's really nothing there
I wish you would just be real with me

You're so gay and you don't even like boys
No you don't even like
No you don't even like
No you don't even like boys
You're so gay and you don't even like boys
No you don't even like
No you don't even like
Oh no no no no no no no
You're so gay and you don't even like boys
No you don't even like
No you don't even like
No you don't even like boys
You're so gay and you don't even like boys
No you don't even like
No you don't even like
No you don't even like... PENIS
KennyT 說...

Why don't you try to send that guy an email and see what's going on?

akira 說...


匿名 說...

請堅持看到最後> 噢噢!

匿名 說...

just a heads-up, she's american.

Fun 說...

i juz love thos kate perry!!!

其實成日都有呢d疑似gay man~ 但我有時又諗,係咪我地諗多左呢?(雖然呢個可能性應該幾低).. 呢類人好可能要到成40歲先come out!too late to be gay (debut)hahahah~

素顏天使 說...

Garden of Eden > 當下我只是覺得他好怪呀, 找來做什麼.

AKIRA > 嗯, 其實我對於喜歡的人還是會蠻主動的, 靚仔律師有點怪怪, 我早自行打推堂鼓.

關於 bisexual, 我覺得這個機率也不少, 但我個人來說則不會特別考慮 bisexual 的男人, 直男都話淨係驚佢身邊的女, bi男連身邊的男人都要驚埋, 好忙 je!!

匿名 > 謝謝指正, 已更正資料.

Fun > 疑似gay <-- 其實點解會咁o架呢? 女性荷爾蒙分泌忽然過盛定係點? 但你講得o岩, 好多都係"中途(年)轉機", 所以太靚都係有o的危.

聶秀康 說...

Is he sexual disorder? May bisexual...!

素顏天使 說...

聶秀康 > I thought that only happens on kids at teens (or even younger), LOL. he was 28 that time so I guess he should be quite clear what he needs.

mad dog 說...

咁好多時都係灰色嘅... i.e. bisexual. :)

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